About Us

The COECSA Young Ophthalmologists Forum (YOF) is a long-term strategy to engage young ophthalmologists and guide them through the many stages of professional life. The core purpose of this association is to mentor young or new-to-practice ophthalmologists, to become more involved in leadership and eye health advocacy in the region.

As more ophthalmology graduates enter into practice and the older ones retire from the practice, young ophthalmologists are quickly becoming the largest demographic group in the region. Unfortunately, many are facing difficult transitions from training to careers due to relatively few mentoring opportunities. It is hypothesized that, residents, fellows, and young associates in post-training are not sufficiently prepared for professional life after training.
Because of this lack of knowledge, many young ophthalmologists are faced with difficult choices involving practice style and management as well as general professional growth. Further, there appears to be a lack of awareness and participation by this group of ophthalmologists in leadership and decision making in matters related to eye health in the region.
That is why the idea of a Young Ophthalmologists Forum was coined to mentor the young ophthalmologists and encourage their involvement in eye health advocacy in the region, to proactively contribute to the development of the profession and an enabling environment.

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