Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Fellowship in Medical Education at McGill University,Canada               

Length of Fellowship: 12 months.

In many countries the training of medical students in ophthalmology does not reflect what is necessary for the general practitioner, internist, or non-ophthalmologist specialist to practice. For example, although skills of fundoscopy are usually taught in medical school, the number of graduating physicians who are not able to detect serious eye disease via fundus examination is remarkably high.

The first goal of this fellowship is to train individuals to make significant changes in the quality of ophthalmic education in their home country at one or more medical schools. A second goal of the fellowship is to help design practitioner-based screening programs.  Screening for diabetic retinopathy and some other ophthalmic diseases is cost-effective.

However, screening for other disorders such as glaucoma are not always as cost-effective. This does not reflect what is occurring in countries where either the rates of disease are particularly high, or the availability of practitioners is very low. This fellowship will help ophthalmologists to design screening programs that are specific to their country's population, and will result in improved quality of care.

Interested candidates should send in their letter of motivation, resume & copies of their academic certificates to info@COECSA.org.

The application should be addressed to:
The Chair, Training Subcommittee,COECSA

* Preference shall be given to active fellows of COECSA in good standing

Deadline for application - June 2015.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

University of Rwanda, College of Medicine & Health Sciences

Advertisement for  Job opportunity

University of Rwanda, College of Medicine and Health Sciences (UR-CMHS) wishes to recruit qualified personnel in the Department of Ophthalmology, school of Health Sciences located at Nyarugenge Campus.
1. Lecturer (1)
Applicnant must possess the following requirements:
  • Master's of medicine in Ophthalmology or its equivalent (PHD is an added advantage)]
  • 2 years experience is an added advantage
  • Registered with local professional council
  • Excellent communication skills in English
Read more at http://www.umuseke.rw/job-opportunity-at-the-university-of-rwandacollege-of-medicine-ur-cmhs.html 

2.Tutorial assistant/Clinical Instructor (2)

Applicant must possess the following requirments:
  • Bachelor Degree in Ophthalmic Clinical officer/Ophthalmic technician/Optometry with at least a distinction
  • Advanced diploma in Ophthalmic Clinical officer with additional training in dispensing optician
  • 2years experience is an added advantage
  • Excellent communication skills in English
  • Registered with local professional counclil
Read more at: http://www.umuseke.rw/job-opportunity-at-the-university-of-rwandacollege-of-medicine-ur-cmhs.html

All applications should be accompanied by:
1. Application letter written in  English to the principal of the college of Medicine and Health sciences, University of Rwanda
2.Curriculum Vitae
3.A copy of certified academic certificate
4.A copy of certified academic transcript
5.Contacts and address of two referees 

The event was attended by 45 delegates drawn from:
  • Sabatia Eye Hospital
  • Agha Khan University Hospital
  • University of Nairobi, Department of Ophthalmology
  • Eagle Eye Laser Center
  • Tenwek Hospital
  • Kissii Eye Care Institute
  • Getrude’s Children’s Hospital
  • Nyeri Provincial General Hospital
  • Wills Eye Hospital (USA)
Presentations from 9.00am to 4.45pm included:
-          Approach to the Management of Pediatric Cataract by Drs. Sarah Sitati & Ernest Ollando               from Sabatia Eye Hospital
-          Clinical & surgical approach to Squint by Dr. Daniel Mundia
-          The Kenya National Retinoblastoma Strategy 2014 Best Guidelines by Dr. Kahaki Kimani
-          Update on Diabetic Retinopathy by Dr. Ben Roberts
-          Overview on Common Orbital Tumors & the Approach to Their Management by Dr.                   Nyenze Muindi
-          Clinical Characteristics & Functional Outcomes of Keratoconus Patients attending a                   specialist contact lens clinic in Kenya by Dr. Zahara Rashid
-          Cross linking in Keratoconus: sharing Our Kenyan Experience by Dr. Muchai Gachago
-          Approach to the management of Bullous Keratopathy by Dr. Michael Chen
-          Biometry: A necessity or a luxury? By Dr. Judy Ndiritu
-          Perioperative Antibiotics in Cataract Surgery by Dr. Nina Ni
-          Approach to Glaucoma management in a Limited Resource Set-up by Dr. Dan kiage
All participants received certificates and flash disks containing all the presentations in PDF format. 
Photos of the event posted on COECSA's facebook page @ Coecsa

Monday, 11 May 2015



Its Simple, Just write a 900-word essay on the topic “How do I learn surgery?”



Entrants to the John Henahan Prize are invited to write a 900-word essay on the topic, “How do I learn surgery?” The competition is open to ESCRS members who are aged 40 or under before January 1, 2015.

The essays will be judged by Thomas Kohnen, chairman ESCRS Publications Committee; Emanuel Rosen, chief medical editor EuroTimes; Jose Guell, former president ESCRS; Oliver Findl, chairman ESCRS Young Ophthalmologists Committee; Sean Henahan, editor EuroTimes; Paul McGinn, editor EuroTimes; and Robert Henahan, contributing editor EuroTimes.

The two main criteria for consideration by the judges are the clinical content of the story and the writing style, including punctuation and grammar, which should reflect the high standard of material published in EuroTimes.

The winner will receive a travel bursary worth €1,000 to attend the XXXIII Congress of the ESCRS in Barcelona, Spain and a special trophy which will be presented at the Video awards Session on Sunday 6 September.

The prize is named in honour of John Henahan, who edited EuroTimes from 1996 to 2001. “John’s work has inspired a generation of young doctors and journalists, many of whom continue to work for EuroTimes. The prize will not only bring satisfaction to the winner and credit to all the contributors but may enhance all their prospects of pursuing a medical writing aspect to their future careers. We look to their further contributions to EuroTimes and the Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery,” said Dr Rosen.

Entry forms are available from Colin Kerr, executive editor, EuroTimes at: henprize@eurotimes.org

Closing date for entries is Friday 29 May 2015. 

Good luck!

Public participation in the review of the kenya Draft Health Bill

Article 118 (1) (b) of the Constitution of Kenya provides that Parliament shall facilitate public participation and involvement in the legislative and other business of parliament and its committees. Standing order 127 (3) states that the departmental committee to which a Bill is committed shall facilitate public participation and shall take into account views and recommendations of the public when the committee makes its report to the house.
Pursuant to Article 188 (1) (b) and the standing order 127 (3), the committee invites interested members of the public to submit any representations they may have on the Bill. The representations may be forwarded to the Clerk of the National assembly P.O Box 41842-00100, Nairobi; hand delivered to the office of the clerk, main Parliament Buildings, Nairobi; or emailed to clerk@parliament.go.ke to be received on or before Wednesday 13th May 2015 at 5.00Pm.

As COECSA members who are significantly involved in development of eye health and health in general, Our voice/ participation is of great importance to the bill. Let us engage and share our views/contributions towards the draft Health Bill. 

Friday, 8 May 2015